Ten years ago today was ARC’s first major rescue operation. A puppy mill, home to 121 dogs and five birds. Because of caring people like you, ARC rescued every animal that day… and, with you, we’ve been rescuing animals in need ever since.

“… part of our goal was to give people ways to put their compassion into action…” — Executive Director Tim Woodward

We checked in to say hello to some of the rescues for the tenth anniversary of this rescue. We’re delighted to share a few of their stories here with you.

Their joy is your compassion in action. 

One of the first dogs rescued that day was little Theo, an elder dog who had spent his whole life in a lonely box. He was tiny, blind in one eye, and nearly toothless.

Because of kindness like yours, Theo spent his golden years being radiantly, fiercely, and completely loved and protected as part of a loving family.

“And, the beauty, I think, of working with ARC, besides being able to save these lives, is to see the beautiful side of humanity, the people that do come out of the woodwork to help. You can get really down on humanity when you go into one of these situations — but then you turn around, and you see these people…” — Kat, Volunteer

It is for the love of animals like Theo that more and more ARC supporters like you choose to continue their life-changing help for animals with a gift to ARC in their will or trust or beneficiary designations on accounts and policies.

“You want these animals to have the same opportunity for health and happiness that you provide to your own animals… and to be able to make that happen is a gift…”  — Tim Woodward, Executive Director

That’s why we named Theo’s Legacy Circle in Theo’s memory and in honor of every single bright and compassionate person like you who puts these kinds of plans in place.


Thank you for putting your compassion into action and changing so many lives.