In June of 2021, Animal Rescue Corps received an urgent call for help from Jackson Police Department and Jackson Animal Care and Control in Tennessee. It was thought that close to 20 dogs were living in a condemned house with the property owner.
Animal Rescue Corps’ Field Team deployed. The house door’s exterior was smeared with filth. Inside, an even more desperate and heartbreaking scene was playing out. Over double the estimated counts: 44 surviving dogs were living in extreme neglect on inches of packed down waste, surrounded by the bodies of dead dogs. Many were suffering from years of neglect, including painful eye injuries, matting, and fear. In a strange twist of fate, the property owner was the ex-wife of James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr.
This was Operation Clean Sweep, and the 44 canine survivors were in desperate need of help.
One of the little dogs in the crate was Yves, a small dog. His long black and white fur was matted and caked in his own waste. He was underweight, and had scars on his thin body.
Animal Rescue Corps rescued every dog in that home that day, carefully documenting the cruelties and rushing the animals to our Rescue Operation Center for urgent medical, physical, and emotional care.
The lives of Yves and the others changed that day, because of you.

The City of Jackson, and Animal Services specifically, are very thankful to Animal Rescue Corps for being willing to step up once again, and provide a level of assistance and professionalism that is unmatched. We have a wonderful and dedicated staff but this case was beyond our logistical means and the success of this operation wouldn’t have been possible without ARC. — Jackson Animal Care Center
Once ready for placement, Yves was transferred to trusted placement partner Catkins Animal Rescue in Wisconsin.
And it was there that he found his forever family, like he’d always wanted and deserved — a family that would care for him, protect him, and love him. His prospective adopter drove three hours from Michigan to meet him — and it was love at first sight.
See his remarkable transformation and joy, powered by you.
“The City of Jackson, and Animal Services specifically, are very thankful to Animal Rescue Corps for being willing to step up once again, and provide a level of assistance and professionalism that is unmatched.”
— Jackson Animal Care Center
Once ready for placement, Yves was transferred to trusted placement partner Catkins Animal Rescue in Wisconsin.
And it was there that he found his forever family, like he’d always wanted and deserved — a family that would care for him, protect him, and love him. His prospective adopter drove three hours from Michigan to meet him — and it was love at first sight.
See his remarkable transformation and joy, powered by you.
Now named Professor Henry Higgins, this smart, clean, and inquisitive pup learned housetraining in just two days. He spends his days:
– Playing ball
– Running at full speed to interfere with his guardian making the soft, clean bed
– Being appropriately ferocious with his rope toys and stuffed hedgehog
– Sampling treats for the first time ever (and the second, third, and twentieth times, too)
– Learning about the great outdoors and going for walks with his mom
– Greeting everyone he meets with a tail wag and an offer of friendship
– Asking for his daily brushing, which he waits for and relishes
– Being a beloved and loving family member
Henry’s guardian is very grateful for the rescue of Henry and the many dogs who suffered the torment of such cruel neglect for so long. She told us,
“Thank you to all the caring staff and volunteers who facilitated the survival of these dogs. I know you are many. It was a long journey for Henry to survive and find his home here in Hancock, Michigan, with me. You rescued these wonderful dogs, and now Henry has rescued me.”
It’s because of Animal Rescue Corps donors and volunteers like you that animals like Yves can be saved.
Thank you for giving him his happily-ever-after.
“You rescued these wonderful dogs, and now Henry has rescued me.”
“You rescued these wonderful dogs, and now Henry has rescued me.”
God bless this precious dog and all the others ARC saved . Disgusting hoarders. Makes me sick. Surely neighbors or other family knew about this heinous evil . I blame them too for not reporting it . Prayers for all the dogs that survived and tears for those that didn’t and died in that filth . Thank you ARC. . I hope you can help end this sick cruelty one day .
I remember he smelled so bad we couldnt get near him. After grooming this wonderful little dog showed up. Ready to get back to volunteering in new space with next rescue.
A heartbreaking story ! These precious dogs are so lucky to have you !
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Thank ARC for all you do.
I am so very happy for all the work you do for these animals. Thank you for rescuing Doctor Henry Higgins and his other brothers and sisters. This story made me cry and then smile for all that was involved. Thank you again from my whole heart ❤️
What a wonderful love story❣️
These are living, feeling creatures of God!!