~60 dogs in need of emergency rescue in KY as a neglectful breeding operation/hoarding situation is shut down.

With temperatures dropping and winter on the way, ARC’s field team deployed today for an emergency rescue at the desperate request of local law enforcement. 58 neglected dogs and puppies lived with little or no shelter in neglectful conditions in this breeding operation/hoarding case in Hart County, KY. Now the facility is being shut down by law enforcement for violations, and these animals have nowhere else to turn.
When rescuers arrived on-site they found fifty-eight dogs, including pregnant females. Some ran loose in and around the barren property, while others were in small, ramshackle pens. Most of the dogs were chained to trees and stakes in the woods with only makeshift shelters of pallets, water barrels, plywood, or a horse trailer for cover. Great Danes, St. Bernards, Australian Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Bullmastiffs, and Great Pyrenees were just a few of the breeds rescued.
A majority of the dogs are underweight. Many of the dogs exhibit signs of obvious and chronic neglect including eye injuries, fur loss, pressure sores, internal and external parasites, anemia, gastrointestinal issues. Some dogs suffer from old bite wounds and other untreated injuries and infections, mammary tumors, matting, and more.
At least two of the neglected mother dogs here are very pregnant. ARC also discovered three litters of small puppies living on the property. Kept in small wire cages on the muddy ground, they lived completely exposed to weather, and without access to food or water.
These innocent dogs have been subjected to chronic neglect and suffering. Most live on heavy chains, some in ramshackle pens, and a few run loose. They face inadequate shelter, food, and water.
Pictured here is Gimlet, just one of the 58 dogs suffering on site. Gimlet lived on a heavy chain, with a barrel for shelter that is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Heavy matting bears testament to the months — if not years — that have passed by on this chain.
ARC is grateful to Animal Rescue Kare and Hart County Animal Shelter for their investigative work and their assistance in the field.
ARC placed the puppy litters and their mothers and three other dogs directly with Kentucky Humane Society to be placed in foster homes.
But local shelters and animal groups in Hart County, KY, are already bursting at the seams. They do not have the resources to address almost 60 animals in desperate need. The many remaining dogs will be transported to ARC’s Rescue Center outside Gallatin, TN to receive care and rehabilitation. Animal Rescue Corps exists to assist in emergency rescue situations exactly like this. For these animals, no other options exist. Together with our donors, supporters, and volunteers, ARC is the last hope for these dogs.
Gimlet and the others deserve the same chance at love, life, and happiness as any of our treasured companion animals. These dogs and puppies have been forced to live as if they are being punished, but they committed no crime. ARC can only say yes to rescuing dogs like them with the generous and lifesaving help of caring people like you.
On behalf of the Hart County Administration, The Hart County Animal Shelter, and Animal Rescue Kare, a HUGE heartfelt thanks to Animal Rescue Corps for their assistance in shutting down this operation. We had been told by multiple intervention groups that they could not help us. Animal Rescue Corps responded, with swift and decisive intervention, to give these dogs a fighting chance. Volunteers from as far away as Canada, Florida and Massachusetts, came to the aid of a small rural community in Kentucky, overwhelmed with this challenge. ARC is animal advocacy in action, boots on the ground. Please support this amazing organization, they have earned it!
Thank you for all your rescues
I can possibly foster a young dog or puppy. Those ages to get along with my current dog (3 yrs)
Thank you for helping these dogs. Has been on going for at least 12 years since I moved into the area. Glad your organization responded, when others would not.
Thank you for saving these poor little creatures. I would love to help out by donating and fostering