60 Texas dogs out of time after eviction at rural TX rescue.

After being alerted to a crisis for animals unfolding in rural Texas, the ARC field team deployed for the rescue of dozens of innocent dogs who were running out of time.

Last year, this Texas rescue opened its doors in a repurposed strip club in a rural location. Facing urgent health issues and unemployment, the founders quickly found themselves unable to care for the animals they took in.

The clock was ticking for these dogs when ARC deployed. Eviction was just days away for this rescue, and in overcrowded Texas the only option for these dogs was euthanasia. But ARC moved out to provide a lifeline.

The building had extremely high and unhealthy levels of ammonia. And the dogs themselves were deprived of adequate veterinary care, enrichment, and exercise.

Jackie, pictured below, was just one of the 60 dogs in need of urgent assistance. She suffered from heartworm and an untreated tumor requiring immediate medical attention, waiting in a dark and dirty pen for a loving family that never came.

These dogs had already lost their families once. Now, they were not only faced with losing the refuge that took them in- it looked like they might lose everything.

With the Rescue Center filled to capacity with animals from other cases, ARC assisted with this situation remotely for several months, sending food, air conditioning, and other resources to help care for these dogs.

The ARC team deployed before in May, taking two dogs, and again last month, taking 19. Today we were able to take the last 39.

This emergency rescue means the difference between life and death for each one of these 60 deserving animals. And thanks to the compassion and generosity of our generous supporters, ARC was able to be there for them when they needed it most. Your donation to Animal Rescue Corps today will support Operation Lost Hope and all of ARC’s emergency animal rescues and other lifesaving work.

And, if you are in a position to volunteer, please sign up today. Opportunities are always available in ARC’s Rescue Center outside Nashville, TN, as well as sometimes nationally and beyond.