Support Goldie’s Act 2024: Contact Your Representatives Today

Puppy mills hurt dogs. Help stop their suffering; support Goldie’s Act today by contacting your representative.
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Please stop animal cruelty.
Thank you for your great work.
It needs to end now!
Please help them
Please be the advocate and voice of animals. Please please support Goldie’s Act
I can’t always travel to Nashville, but please let me know when you have an urgent need. Thanks
Please, please, please reach into your heart and stop these greedy, selfish breeders – you’ll know you’re doing a wonderful thing.
Please end all the unbearable suffering and problems that comes from horrific puppy mills!!!
I dont understand how the can allow this cruelty to continue. these people only do it for profit not to help anyone but themselves. PLEASE DEAR GOD, HELP US STOP THE ABUSE AND CRUELTY OF ALL THESE PUPPYMILLS!
Please stop abusing innocent animals.
I can’t believe the way animals are treated. We should have stopped this along time ago. I hope we can make a permanent change now.
Animals need our help now!!
No more puppy mills
Please outlaw puppy mills. Support Goldie’s Act.
I support Goldie’s Act 2024
Thus must stop immediately.
Jail penalties should fit the crime. No less than 20 years for animal cruelty. Let’s fill the jails.
Enough of this has come and gone, Money hungry abusers using this front to make money. It exists in every state and most of them die with no regard from the people who used their plight for their own profit.
Prosecute abusers to the highest degree. Animal abuse shall not b tolerated domestic and international.
I whole-heartedly agree – the penalty should fit the crime. These abusers deserve nothing less then jail time, fines and never being allowed to own another animal for the rest of their lives. Hopefully, our government will open their eyes wide enough to see the horrific abuses these animals are made to endure and put a stop to these puppy mills. Enough is enough – it must stop now.
Please stop these horrible puppy mills from ever torturing these poor babies ever again.
Please close these puppy mill, now!!
Please end this puppy mill business. What a despicable means of money to harms animals.
PLEASE, PLEASE stop animal torture. Animals have feelings too and deserve a good life.
Animals have feelings too and don’t deserve to be treated so cruel. Please help!
I support Goldie’s Act 2024 and zero tolerance for animal abuse and exploitation.
Please keep fighting to close down all horrible puppy mills and prosecute animal abusers to the fullest.
Please help the animals that cannot help themselves.
God made every living creature..he gave them their own environment in which to live and thrive, survivor skills, nurturing of their young. He gave them what they need to live the lives he intended for them..He did NOT intend for his creations to be abused, suffer, be neglected, and certainly NOT to be used for the monetary value for ANY human..Please allow them to live in peace, in nature without interference from money hungry humans!!!
How a human treats animals is a reflection on your true soul.
Thank you for your amazing work! This abuse has to stop!
End puppy mills there cruel to animals
Please help God’s Precious Creations.
Thank you so much!!
Help innocent animals who have no voice.
In the name of humanity, help us stop the suffering of animals. Please help us shutdown all puppy mills and even breeders. Enough of people profiting over the pain, suffering and torture of innocent, smart and loving animals. Please! Please! Hear us! Help us! Help them.
Animals deserve better
Please stop this….no animal deserves this.
What can be done to stop this? Why is it allowed? I hear the Amish are big offenders. Is that true? Why aren’t laws enacted to stop this?
Stop the cruelty!! Please!!
When is enough enough?! This is disgusting.
Stop this cruelty!
Please pay more attention when creating an automated letter. My ZIP is 18301 (a PA ZIP) and all the politician targets in your petition are in Massachusetts! This kind of blunder damages your credibility! I’m trusting you’re not an information-harvester.
We’re so sorry to hear about the trouble you experienced with our petition form, and thank you for letting us know! On testing, it looks like entering your zip code, 18301, contacts John Fetterman (Senator), PA, Matthew Cartwright (Representative), PA District 8, and Robert Casey (Senator), PA. Our records indicate that your submission was successful, but we apologize again for the glitch and any concern it may have caused. Thank you so much for your support and compassion for animals in need. Your voice makes a difference!
Such unnecessary pain to animals for profit. This is beyond disgusting
Please stop this!!These are living breathing creatures that GOD created that love feel hurt just like humans!!Dont do this please
they don’t deserve to be mistreated
Puppy mills should not exist at all! They should be outlawed. The cruelty is unbearable. Please put an end to this suffering!
This is so very very wrong and very very cruel. It’s all about the money. Not about the poor dogs lives. So shame shame shame on man
Please help them
Stop the madness . Why is this world killing everything in Gods earth .
Abuse cruelty is not acceptable. Need to change these laws and start punishing people doing these acts!! Prison their own acts back to them. Paying all the bills !! Etc
Please stop with this cruelty and close all the puppy mill
stop animal cruelty. every animal deserves a loving home!! ♥️
It needs to end now!